Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Fall Colors

This morning I got up and realized that I could wear whatever I wanted on the bike. It was going to be that perfect temperature where you didn't have to wear any kind of special gear to manage the sweat or freeze.

It was so beautiful. The conversation with myself went, "You know, I really prefer these flips flops when I ride these pedals. I'll change to them."

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Grandma and I carpooled the kids to school and her to work with my bike on the back. I have a cold and it is cold, but I love biking. I'm not thrilled and I'm not mad either. 

But then I see a bus! Like a beacon of light! A heated bus with a bike rack! And now I realize how bad I feel.

And it was driving right past me in the other direction -- I missed it.

It gets better. I ride up and take some guesses about turns on this route, when the bus pulls up right behind me with the stop right in front of me. I got it this time!

I don't know the exact route I'm on, but $1 will get me in the general direction I'm going. I can sit in this chair and write to you guys. All day winning right here.