Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas Gifts for the Merry at Heart

I follow GoPro on twitter, and I think they follow me. I was trying to score merch and all I got was a follow.

Never fear! I got one for Christmas! Except... I haven't used it yet. These things require memory sticks -- the smaller than your fingernail holds 64G kind of memory. I'm old enough that my first computer experience involved a 5 1/4" floppy disk and no hard drive. The level of privilege and first world problem I was facing was not lost on me.

Enter scene: I am scavenging my daughter's toy kitchen in her playroom for old cell phones like an addict hunting for drugs in the couch cushions. Even better, I found some microSD in that little kitchen.

Apparently this phone was scrapped due to liquid damage. The memory card was corrupt. I vaguely remember dropping it in diet coke, but then I remember it still worked. That is, until I dropped it on the ground and shattered the screen. I think it still worked after that, but I had to deal with glass splinters in my fingertips and ears.

Anyway. It is days later and I still don't have a memory card. This commitment to not driving makes bumping out to the store a little trickier. I (heart) Amazon's 2-day shipping.

In the meantime, a story has been plotted and voice overs begun. There will be video.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Blending in at the Christmas parade

I am not a regular participant in Carrboro or Chapel Hill bike events, but they posted the parade ride. And I have bright kids. Bright, shiny, happy kids. Check us out, then throw some support at the Carrboro Bike Coalition and the Bicycle Alliance of Chapel Hill.

There was coffee!